Sponsor our business directory

Choose Your Tier

a tier for all budgets

Want to get found by local customers? Our Bronze tier covers the basics, Silver steps it up with photos, links, and a social media boost, while Gold gives you premium visibility, exclusive offers, and a dedicated article on our website. Choose the right tier for you!

Full Tier Details
  • Which Tier Will You Choose?
    Choose Your Tier

    Choose Your Tier

    We've got 3 tiers to choose from, Bronze, Silver and Gold - check each one out to see the key features.

  • Directory - Bronze Level

    Bronze £25/year

    The essential package to get your business listed with key details and your logo.

  • Directory - Silver Level

    Silver £50/year

    Get noticed with enhanced features, social media links, and images to showcase your business.
  • Directory - Gold Level

    Gold £100/year

    The ultimate exposure with unlimited content, special offers, and a dedicated article to promote your business.